Domain Name

Use the box below to find an available domain name for your website. We suggest going with .com or .org because these are easier to remember. It is also a good idea to think of a name that is as short as possible. If you already own a domain name, you can either keep it with your current domain provider or transfer it to us to manage for you.

Tips if you're having problems finding the perfect domain name:

  • If your name has multiple words, try a hyphen between each word.
  • Include your city name.
  • Include "my" at the beginning.

If you wish to own more than one domain name check out our pricing page for details.

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Monday: 8am to 5pm EST
Tuesday: 8am to 5pm EST
Wednesday: 8am to 5pm EST
Thursday: 8am to 5pm EST
Friday: 8am to 4pm EST

About Us

Since 2001, we have been helping association leaders more efficiently manage their day-to-day responsibilities and increase member satisfaction. Our membership management software automates common tasks and gives associations the tools, reporting and support they need.